
艾迪奖, 一年一度的庆祝杜瓦尔县优秀教师的活动, is a time-honored tradition that has grown into its new mission to elevate the role of Jacksonville's best teachers.




Dr. Sowell is a science teacher with a deep appreciation for the impact his lessons have on the “here and now.” He is passionate about his students’ understanding of what science is as a discipline, 科学是如何运作的,科学知识是如何产生的. 他工作是为了使人兴奋, engage and empower his students everyday to understand and improve the world around them.

Dr. 索厄尔的学生通过做科学来学习科学. Instead of putting the lecture before the lab so that his students show him what he said was correct, Dr. Sowell places the experience before the lecture so that his students create their own learning by exploring real-life scientific situations. 他在课堂上建立了一个强大的学习者群体, 营造合作氛围, 同理心和善良,批判性思维和创造性表达的价值.

作为一名新教师导师和专业发展促进者. 索厄尔直接与达内尔-库克曼学院的新教员合作, 鼓励他们通过寻求新知识来不断提高自己. His passion for his practice is evident inside the classroom as well as in the time he gives back to bettering his profession and the field of scientific inquiry.

我相信博士. 索厄尔集中体现了伟大教师的特点. 他是一位伟大的老师, 导师, 主持人, team player and overall caring person who would truly represent the best of Darnell-Cookman…

W. 简哈维,课程与技术整合专家 达内尔-库克曼中学


  • Ph.D.佛罗里达州立大学硕士.S.佛罗里达州立大学
  • B.A.他是北佛罗里达大学的教授.S.他是北佛罗里达大学的教授


  • 有12年的教学经验
  • 科学系主任,达内尔库克曼MS/HS
  • 学校领导委员会
  • 2009年至今——共同决策委员会
  • 2011年在美国磁石学校年度会议上发表演讲
  • 2010 – present – Mentor for Novice teachers within Duval County MINT/TIP Program

克里斯蒂J. Constande


Ms. Constande prides herself on creating a classroom where each student feels safe enough to risk sharing his 虽然ts and expressing his feelings. 她认真对待培养终身读者和作家的角色, 为每个学生提供成为独立思考者和工作者的机会. She describes education like a favorite book; the teacher is the prize-winning author, 学生是受人喜爱的角色,背景是诱人的教室. Ms. 康斯坦德的课堂以书本为主, 作者, 插图画家, 单词, 指导性问题和说明.她称她的学生为“朋友”,并努力让每个人都感到受欢迎, 当他们走进她的教室时,受到尊重和安全. Ms. 康斯坦德的朋友们想问问题时不会举手, 他们等待合适的时机加入谈话. They are free to retrieve materials they need in the room and to use the restroom when necessary.

八年前. Constande worked with a co-teacher and an ESE teacher to develop and pilot an inclusion program with special standard students. High expectations for all o her students have led to great success and the program has been observed by educators from around the world. Ms. 康斯坦德渴望让她的学生成为社区的贡献者.Every year they create a basket or the silent auction benefiting the Sulzbacher Center and tie the issue of homelessness to literature through books like 飞回家 作者:Eve Bunting. She continues to volunteer her time at the McKenzie Wilson Academic Resource Center, offering tutoring to a high population of English Language Learners from the Chets Creek neighborhood.

In her every action she (Christy Constande) encompasses the qualities of a teacher who routinely puts forth her bravest self for her students.
-- 苏珊T. 菲利普斯 本金, 切茨克里克小学


  • M.A.他是杰克逊维尔大学的教授
  • B.A.普渡大学


  • 26年教学经验
  • 2005 -敢于腾飞-识字示范教室
  • 1992年杰出学生教育主流教师奖



那一年是1959年,辛迪·费奇(辛迪惠誉)是一名四年级学生. 珀尔·凯恩在鲁斯大学的教室. Upson小学. She remembers how her teacher made everyone believe they had special gifts and something important to contribute. 在做了39年的教师之后,她的妻子. 惠誉仍在努力效仿她的做法. 凯恩多年前在那间教室里当模特.

Ms. 惠誉 creates a warm and inviting learning environment where she builds strong relationships with her students who know she cares about them. 当你走进她的教室, 你看到书架上摆满了书, 墙上贴满了数学概念和励志海报, 摇椅,甚至是装满枕头的浴缸, 她的学生最喜欢的读书场所.

Ms. 惠誉得到了家长的支持, families and the community involved at Oak Hill through her annual production of American Grandstand. 这部作品为每个学生提供了一个施展才华的机会, 不管他们扮演了多么重要的角色!除了她在课堂上的工作之外,她还做了很多工作. 费奇是佛罗里达州绩效评估系统的州培训师, 同行教师和临床教育者培训师, 考试培训, 提高人类效率培训师, 也是初学教师的导师. 1991年,. 惠誉 was one of ten teachers in Duval County selected to go on the first teacher exchange trip to Jacksonville’s sister city, 摩尔曼斯克, 俄罗斯.

“似乎在今天的教育中, 太多的教育者不明白教学是一门手艺, 一种无法被掌握却又不断被完善的东西. Ms. 惠誉, 虽然, is a perfect example of someone who understands this and works each and every day to become the best that she can be.”

艾米明亮 主要 橡树山小学


  • M.E.匡威学院
  • B.S.温斯洛普学院


  • 39年教学经验
  • 2007年-获得Gladys Pryor职业卓越教学奖
  • 2006-2007 -杜瓦尔县年度教师决赛
  • 2006-2007年度约翰·斯托克顿小学教师
  • 1998-1999年,约翰·斯托克顿小学年度最佳教师
  • 1987-1988年:西河滨小学年度教师
  • 1981-1982年,西河滨小学年度教师



Ms. 休斯顿称自己是一个统计数字. She is one of the fifty percent of new teachers who leave the profession in the first five years. She goes on to describe how she missed the children; the sense of accomplishment in June when the last grade is entered and the rhythm of life associated with the flow of the school year. 今天,女士. 休斯顿称自己是一名职业教育家和终身学生. 她努力成为那种能使任何一个孩子都成为信徒的老师, 无论背景如何.

为了实现她的目标. Houston works to tie the information she imparts in the classroom to her students’ lives outside the classroom. She works with a team of teachers to ensure her students will leave high school compassionate, 有爱心的成年人为上大学或工作做好了准备. 除了课堂上的工作,老师. Houston established a Poetry Café where students are free to share original poetry or a favorite verse. The newly formed Writers Anonymous Club holds bi-monthly meetings and hosts a Fall “poetry slam.” Ms. Houston also helped found First Coast’s InteractChapter whose members volunteer monthly to feed the homeless at the Sulzbacher Center. And her Campus Clean-Up Initiative hosts a volunteer cleanup each season of the year. Ms. 休斯顿还担任英语10队和她的SLC的首席老师.

Ms. 休斯顿将教学视为一种职业,而不是一份工作. She is proud of her students’ successes and works everyday to nurture a desire to learn in each of them.

“Ms. Houston has discovered fulfillment through the opportunity to reach, and to teach, our students."

文森特·霍尔 主要 第一海岸高中


  • M.A.佛罗里达大学
  • B.A.佛罗里达大学


  • 9年教学经验
  • 2003-2004年棕榈湾高中十年级年度最佳教师
  • 2002-2003 – Department o Romance Language and Literature Cooperative Teaching Award

劳伦·米. 马丁


“老师的角色是在孩子的生活中发挥作用的人, 因为不是每个孩子都有人愿意或有能力这么做.“作为2010年‘为美国而教’组织的成员., Ms. 马丁 entered 派恩代尔小学 as a novice fourth grade ELA teacher with a maturity far beyond her years. She is inspired by her own fourth grade teacher whom she credits for developing her love of writing. 她把这归功于她的祖父, step-grandmother and mother with modeling professionalism through their own careers.

Ms. 马丁对她所有的学生都有很高的期望, 努力鼓励他们每个人都明白他们可以成功. 她专注于帮助学生理解写作的“原因”, explaining that communicating through the written word is necessary in all facets of life. Her dedication to this premise is evident in the increase in her students’ FCAT writing scores last year, 结果主要, 艾丽西亚Hinson, 形容为“其他方面的牵强。.派恩代尔小学在一年内从“F”变成了“A”. 马丁在这一转变中发挥了重要作用.

我找不到比他更敬业的, 承诺, and compassionate teacher who sees the best in all students despite their hardships.

艾丽西亚Hinson主要 派恩代尔小学


  • B.A.佛罗里达大学


  • 2年教学经验
  • 职系主席
  • 派恩代尔领导团队成员



